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Our Motto

The emblem of our school reveals its vision,mission and motto. It displays the address on top and at the bottom on the ribbon. The motto of the school is in Sanskrit: “Sneha Shushrushartham Idam Jnanam; i.e. “Wisdom for the sake of love and service”. An octagon inside this denotes the eight beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus Christ, the Supreme Teacher. (Mathew Ch 5,6,7). The aim of the school is to enable the students to imbibe the spirit of these eight beatitudes along with education. The twelve stars seen in the octagon symbolize the Blessed Virgin Mary, the woman with a crown of twelve stars’ (Rev: 12:1). This shows that our school belongs to the Congregation of Mother of Carmel (CMC). The opened Holy Bible at the bottom of the octagon and two palms with a lighted lamp represent knowledge and the students respectively. Above the Bible and the lamp is the symbol of Christ who said, “I am the Light of the World”(Jn.8:12). The nine rays indicates ‘the light from the heaven brighter than the sun’(Act. 26/13). It also signifies the nine orders of angels around throne of God in heaven and also the heavenly bliss of enlightenment and wisdom. Let all Paulines be enlighted with truth and wisdom so as to serve Christ and mankind.

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