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Admission Procedure


Pupils seeking admission to higher classes are tested on the syllabus of the standard below the one for which they seek admission.

  1. For admission to First Standard, the child should have completed 6 years before the re-opening day.
  2. Enclosures required for Admission.
  3. a) Copy of Birth certificate – class I
  4. b) Copy of Mark sheet – class II onwards.
  5. c) Original Transfer certificate – class II onwards.
  6. d) Two recent passport size photographs – for all the classes.
  7. If the student is coming from outside Kerala, the school leaving certificate must be countersigned by the inspector of Education of the state from where the student comes.
  8. Parents should make a written request for the school leaving certificate, one month in advance. No school leaving certificate will be issued until all amount due to the school have been paid in full.
  9. A student may be removed by the school authorities on any one of the following grounds:-
  10. a) Constant failure in Examination
  11. b) Idleness and disobedience
  12. c) Behaviorproblem
  13. d) Irregular attendance and habitual absence.
  1. Students are not allowed to take half day leave or go home during school hours. Permission may be granted in emergencies if an authorised written request is made by the parents. Any unauthorized absence will entail strict disciplinary action.
  2. Parents and visitors are requested not to visit students or teachers during class time. In case of emergency, Principal’s permission should be taken.
  3. Parents sending escorts to pick up their wards back home from the school should give proper identity of the escorts at the front office of the school. Escorts with proper identity only will be allowed to pick up the wards.
  1. All students must be punctual for dailymorning assembly. Late coming will not be condoned. 95% of the attendance is absolutely necessary for promotion to the next higher class. Leave of absence will be granted only on valid grounds. Requisitionshould be made in the leave record in the diary. In normal cases leave up totwo days can be granted by the class teacher. Leave for more than two days is to be granted by the Principal.
  2. The students who are ill or suffer from contagiousdiseases will not be allowed to attend classes or appear for tests.
  3. Attendance on closing and opening day of a term is compulsory.
  1. Written requisitionshould be made to the Principal at leastone week in advance to obtain signature on travel concession forms, bonafide certificates, reimbursement of fees etc.

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